Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tactegau dychryn ac y grefft o rhyfel

Ofn a phryder wedi bod yn elfen hanfodol mewn unrhyw strategaeth gyffredinol ers y wawr o amser. Roedd yr ymerodraeth Asyriad a ffurfiwyd yn ôl pob sôn drwy ddefnyddio symiau hael o arswyd a chreulondeb. Mae'r Spartans taro arswyd o'r fath yn eu gelynion bod eu lluoedd yn aml yn ennill eu rhyfeloedd yn wladwriaethau Groeg ddinas arall yn syml gan gyrraedd ar faes y gad. Gaius Marius, Seneddwr y Weriniaeth Rufeinig hynafol, unwaith quelled y bygythiad o gwrthryfel mewn deyrnas cleient drwy osod ar ei wrthwynebydd y grym lleng Rufeinig sengl. Mae'r llu Mongol hawlio teyrnasoedd gyfan fel y maent yn ysgubo trwy Ewrop drwy ddefnyddio tactegau dychryn. Y ffaith yw, hyd yn oed cyn strategaethau ddiddymu llwyr, ofn a phryder wedi bod yn hir yn y arsenal o rheolwyr milwrol.

Ofn a phryder yn hynod o ddefnyddiol o ran cadw lluoedd y gelyn o nid yn unig yn ymladd yn effeithiol, ond mewn rhai achosion, gallai fod yn eu hysbrydoli i adael eich tiriogaeth yn gyfan gwbl. Roedd hyn yn wir pan Vlad III Dracula, yn fwy cyffredin y cyfeirir atynt yn hanes fel y Impaler Vlad, a wynebir yn erbyn Twrcaidd llethol 1 a grym yr Otomaniaid. Yn ôl adroddiadau hanesyddol, pan fydd y Shah-yn Shah yn y lluoedd draws y maes enfawr o filwyr impaled ddal o gyfarfyddiadau blaenorol gyda Vlad byddin, trodd yn ôl. Cafodd ei gyfarch gyda delwedd sy'n ysbrydoli ofn a phryder hyd yn oed yn ei fyddin i fod anorchfygol: golwg miloedd o filwyr Twrcaidd a impaled Ottoman. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o haneswyr milwrol yn cydnabod Vlad yn dacteg fel un o'r defnydd mwyaf effeithiol o ryfela seicolegol ac arswyd mewn hanes.

Mae'r defnydd o ofn a phryder, fodd bynnag, yn gyfyngedig yn unig i heddluoedd gelyn. Yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd, ym Mrwydr enwog o Stalingrad, y Sofietiaid a gyflogir ofn a phryder ar eu heddluoedd eu hunain. Milwyr conscripts Sofietaidd, cymryd rymus am eu cartrefi a phrin arfog hyd yn oed yn briodol ar gyfer ymladd, hysbyswyd y byddai i encilio golygu farwolaeth. Yn wyneb gyda dewis o naill ai bwledi Almaeneg neu Rwsieg bwledi, y Fyddin Goch Adroddwyd fod wedi codi dro ar ôl tro i linellau Almaeneg, yn ôl pob golwg yn dangos fawr o barch eu diogelwch eu hunain.

Hanes hefyd sawl enghraifft o ofn a phryder cael effaith ar y symudiadau o filwyr. Un enghraifft digwydd eto yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Milwyr yr Almaen o'r amser yn enwog am fod yn effeithiol, fel bod y rheolwyr y Cynghreiriaid yn teimlo ei fod yn gamgymeriad tactegol i anfon eu milwyr i wynebu byddin Hitler blitzkrieg. Mae'r llinellau blaen profiadol hefyd ofn a phryder, yn enwedig pan fyddant yn wynebu troedfilwyr sizable Almaeneg ac is-adrannau panzer. Fel ateb, comandwyr America a Phrydain wedi cymryd y ciw gan y Fyddin Goch Sofietaidd ar flaen y Dwyrain a'i orchymyn eu heddluoedd i gynnwys y Rwmania llai wedi'u hyfforddi'n dda ac Eidaleg byddinoedd, a oedd heb y ddisgyblaeth ac offer eu cymheiriaid yn yr Almaen.

Roedd y tanc yn y lle cyntaf fel arf i fygwth, a gynlluniwyd i godi ofn gwŷr traed i dorri eu hystyried yn y màs agosáu o ddur a drylliau daeth yn nes iddynt. Mae tanciau eu maneuvered yn syth i mewn llinellau troedfilwyr gelyn, ni waeth faint o ddifrod byddai'r peiriannau wedi cymryd, yn syml i'w defnyddio effaith y tanc yn frawychus i'r eithaf.

Y ffaith yw, tactegau dychryn oedd, yn, a bydd bob amser yn rhan o ryfela am gyhyd ag y mae bodau dynol yn ymladd ar y rheng flaen. Eich dychryn filwyr ei hun yn lle ysbryd ac arswydus eich gwrthwynebwyr fel ffordd o digalon yn amlwg yn cael ei ystyried yn rhan annatod o unrhyw ganllaw cynhwysfawr i ryfela.

Friday, March 30, 2012


What Abstract Painting is all About

Perhaps you've seen a lot of paintings already and out of the paintings you've seen, you appreciate only a few of them. You see, there are different painting styles and techniques used by painters. One of these styles is abstract painting. When you say abstract painting, not many appreciate it probably because of its different style and not so ordinary appearance. But despite the oddness of such painting style, you should not judge it at first sight. Instead, you should try to understand why it was painted.

Abstract painting started hundreds of years ago. There are famous abstract paintings housed in museums. Private collectors who love abstract painting also have some of them. Abstract paintings are good investments as well as collection items. You'll never know how much a certain painting would cost in the future and with the great awareness and appreciation of people nowadays for abstract painting, even you can't tell a paintings value. Some of the famous abstract painters were Picasso, Van Gogh, and Modigliani. Because of these artist's beautiful works, abstract painting became even more famous.

Do you know what abstract painting is? This type of painting can be defined in various ways. Unlike traditional paintings, abstract painting doesn抰 portray reality. Before, painting was all about depicting a realistic or photographic expression of something or someone. However, abstract paintings are a lot different. The painting itself does not illustrate real objects. The shapes and colors shown in abstract paintings are non-objective and non-representing. The painting may refer to a person or to any other individual, anything, or even nothing. If you can't understand the meaning of a particular painting, you can ask the experts or even the painter about its meaning. Natural art lovers on the other hand, don抰 need explanations because if they love abstract paintings, they will understand clearly the significance of the painting.

Try to look at an abstract painting. You will see bright, vivid, and bold colors. Aside from the colors, you will also note that the painting has biometric shapes. For art lovers, this is a beautiful and strange piece.

Way back in 1940, Abstract Expressionism is a movement pushed through by the artists. The artists and painters supported abstract painting and they wanted the freedom of expression through the paintings they made. This made abstract painting more popular. The movement began in a particular school in New York and the movement was also called Action Painting. Among the American schools that joined the movement declared their independence from the artworks of European style. After this, abstract painting was pushed forward.

In order to understand and appreciate abstract painting, you must know its humble beginnings. Even if abstract painting is quite odd, you should still learn to love it because its part of history and it is still a painting which expresses the thoughts and feelings of painters. You can get paintings like this in art galleries online and local art shops.  Some are quite expensive but there are also cheap ones. You can get replicas of the original classic abstract paintings made by the famous painters by purchasing them in certain companies that commission this kind of painting style.

Try to conduct a research about abstract painting. You can find many resources online so that you will understand more about this painting style. A painting is not always a representation of a specific object or person and that is exactly what abstract painting is all about.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Music On The Go With The Apple iPhone

Some people say that variety is the spice of life. This is very true. It is also true for music. In addition, if you have an iPhone there is no better way to have your music on the go. It does not matter where you are heading off to; everyone wants music in his or her life. Taking it with you is definitely the way to go. Having your music with you is almost a requirement these days. Once upon a time you would need to schlep around a CD player with you. Now, with the iPhone, your music is always close at hand. Today you can have music on the go with the apple iPhone.

The portable CD player is now a thing of the past. Digital music is available as MP3's. These files are easily carried with you be it in a MP3 player or an iPhone. As an Apple iPhone owner, you can bring all of your favorite music with you, and it is right there at your fingertips. Those of you who have the Apple iPhone do not have to fret about having to bring along a separate MP3 player to listen to your music. All of the tunes you love to listen to are right there on their cell phone. The music is available to play whenever and where ever you are ready to listen to it. When it's time to rock out, you are ready to roll.

The Apple iPhone makes retrieving your favorite tunes a snap. Just a touch of a finger and you can quickly browse through all of your music. You can sort and retrieve it by play lists, albums, artists, or songs. How you organize it is up to you. What if you cannot think of the album name? If you remember what the album looks like you can use program such as Cover Flow to make it easy for you to locate your favorite albums based on the graphics presented on the album cover. It's more than just music on the go with the Apple iPhone, it's an entire music library.

Do you like karaoke? If you love to sing a long with your favorite song but the words elude you fear not, as long as you downloaded the music from iTunes, you can have the words appear right there on the screen. It's not a phone, it's a personal karaoke machine, compliments of your iPhone. It really doesn't get any better than this.

Wait a minute, you don't have an iPhone? Where can you get one? Go to any AT&T store, they will have them. On the other hand, you can get them online. These phones may be smart, but they are quite expensive. Be sure to check for bargains no matter where you shop. In addition, take the time to get insurance on them. If they break you want AT&T to foot the bill, not you. If you are not an AT&T customer, see if they will give you a good deal on an iPhone if you switch over to their service. The cell phone business is extremely competitive, so be sure to bargain and haggle with them. You will be surprised at what might happen. If you want your music on the go with the Apple iPhone, then you are going to need and iPhone to be on the go with.  Buy one, enjoy it and listen to all the music you can possibly fit onto a single phone.